October 2, 2014

the square dancer.

an update on my goal keeping.

1. not doing so hot. 
i went to utah to visit some family last weekend and it totally got me off. 
i spent sunday and monday in utah and i didn't read. 
terrible excuse, but i got off and i haven't gotten back on, yet. 
that's on the to-do list for today.

2. i really need to talk with him and 
i found my opportunity: this weekend we are going camping as a crew, 
and i think i can get a captive audience on the ride up to the campsite.

3. i have accepted it. he is getting married. 
in other news: BAMBI is engaged! Team Danny has won! 

4. i need to write one of my missionaries back 
because she was nice enough to write me!
 i missed the boat on my guam missionary (literally and figuratively), 
but i can message him now, so no need to waste a stamp.

5. getting better... but i could still use some improvement. and some = a lot still.

i took one of those online surveys yesterday because i was killing time before work 
(admittedly, i should have been packing or reading my scriptures or Preach My Gospel).
this one was titled "what type of dancer are you?" and
apparently i fit the profile of a square dancer.

i thought it rather fitting.
i love country music
i spent about five hours each week for two semesters dancing to country music.

these are the reasons they thought i fit the profile:
You are old-fashioned and you plan to stay that way.
Your values are old school and you make no apologies for it.
The music of today makes you shake your head
and wonder what the world has come to.

yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

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