January 9, 2013

love saying

"I love you more than I did yesterday, but less than I will love you tomorrow."

Twice in the past three days I have heard this saying, and I couldn't not share it. It's so adorable. Love should grow as you pass the days by. Love is hard work. It's not a passive thing. {This} is a really cute video about love and that sort of stuff. It's by a comedian, but the point gets across. Favorite saying the entire video... "If love has anything to do with what YOU can get out it, you are doing it wrong." And is that not correct? Love is something that you should show to other people without the expectation of getting something out of it for yourself. 

A little rant from a hopeless romantic.

January 8, 2013

a welcome back for me

I got caught up in the Facebook fling. And, I kind of need to break the habit. So, here's to New Year's Resolution #2 for me: get off of Facebook. 

This kind of started with my Governor's School award that I got. The "Like" Award. Because everyone's news feeds were filling with all my page/status/photo likes. So I cut down the pages I follow, and I am now trying to restrain the liking that goes on. 

Second nail in the coffin: when my uncle said that he unfollowed my News Feed updates because there were too many. That kind of hurt.

(For those of you who are wondering, Resolution #1 is to have a "I am willing to try" attitude.