sometimes i truly miss childhood. the simplicity of it all. not knowing all the gross and disgusting and truly sad things about the world, and life for that matter. not having homework every waking moment of your life. not having to worry about what is going to become of yourself if you fail your next quiz or test.
some days i really miss those days, for selfish reasons and for otherwise a yearning for my life back then. (does that sound wrong, or weird to you?) i miss my family and friends from utah, and those that have moved while ive lived here. sometimes i yearn for the company of those people ive grown away from. i guess thats why the Lord allowed change: so we can learn new and different lessons from every oppurtunity in my life and so we can meet new people. high school has really opened my eyes to that. that, just because life has changed a lot since you were born into this world, or even since you walked into school the other morning, we have to learn from every waking moment of your lives. we all have things that we can apply to our lives from our daily experiences.
this is one of the things ive missed: swinging on the swing, and NOT getting sick.
do you remember when you were little and you would pump on the swing? and if you were pumping at the same time as your partner, you joked that you were in love? i just had that flash back and thought i would bring it up. its been a long time since i have found a swing that i can actually sit on and not get sick on, or have my feet not drag along on the ground. but being this old and my height, i guess that just ruins everything. haha not really though. i enjoy being outside with my siblings, but not long enough to actually be bored enough to swing on our swings we have in the backyard. o well :)
I agree a lot with this blog.