April 30, 2011

tennessee storms

so as most of you know most of the south got hit pretty hard by the storm that ripped through this past week. our cars and house suffered damage. my dad had the AhA! moment about two storm systems too late, so we now have two golfball like cars, with the '73 f-250 pretty much stratchless (one piece of trim is hanging by a screw, but thats it). the suburban has a broken passenger side mirror cracked and a dented hood. the focus has a broken passenger side mirror busted too with a left side tail light out as well. the house needs some patch work on the southwest side and the front of the house is going to need new screens in the windows. all of our exalia bushes look like they were sawed at (all the beautiful flowers are pureed across the front lawn :'(  very sad day) thankfully we dont need any windshields replaced or such. the biggest hail we got during the storm was about the size of an Easter egg. the trampoline was totally full of the hailstones and the street looked super eerie between hail storms. the stones were melting on the street making steam that rose really creepily. hahaha but we all survived. thankfully, even though my brother almost had a panic attack he was soo scared. but we all hid in the closet (parents made me.. not my personal choice) and got each other to calm down after a few verses of "How Firm a Foundation" and "I Am a Child of God". (THANK YOU!!!!)

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