December 21, 2009

christmas spirit

last winter, our young women's leader gave us an empty quart size jar and a book titled a christmas jar. she told us that throughout the year we needed to fill the jar with spare change and at christmas this year, we would go and buy something for a needy family with the money within. so thats exactly what we did. every girl filled a quart size jar at least half full of change and then one of our leaders collected them and took the heavy bag to the bank to be cashed. over $500 in change and small bills was collected. (fyi, thats a lot of money to spend on clothes and little girl toys).

two weeks ago on Wednesday, we went as a young women group to spend all this money on a less-fortunate family in our ward. a 17 year old boy, a 7 year old girl, a 4 year old girl, and an 18 month old girl, and a mother. we split up and bought gifts for them all. a cute little sweater and shirt dress combo for the little 7 year old with a polly pocket's set; three adorable outfits w/ another polly pocket set for the 4 year old; diapers (a mother's necessity), baby keys, and two cute outfits for the baby; a very modest and slimming sweater dress for the mother, and a huge, heavy jacket for the 17 year old. we had a lot of fun hunting for the perfect gifts within our price range. lots and lots of fun. so much fun, that it is now a tradition within our young women's group... :)

the really cool thing is that we donated the gifts to the family anonymously through our bishop. soo cool. the family was so grateful and i cant wait to hear about the excitement.

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