June 4, 2009

summer, summer, aah! summer!

summer is so amazing! no school, no homework, and you can do anything, anytime, anywhere all with a simple question: please? right?? well, my mother and father have taken the liberty this year of installing a chores list. and it is so laborious. i hate it! cleaning up a room until its spotless, vacuuming that room three times a week, playing the piano for 30 minutes a day, and then helping with meals. and if you don't do those chores, you get punishment jobs! ugh!! :( not really fair, but that is what my parents decided best for us to do this summer.

but i didn't write this post to complain. i wrote it to describe the relaxed life my summer is after i take care of my chores: swim team at a bright and early 9:45 am! then swim for an hour and 15 minutes. in that hour and 15 minutes, get yelled at to do a perfect stroke, then work at that stroke forever, trying to get to LOOK perfect. then climb the huge hill to our house and get dressed for the day. this is where i usually do my chores and have lunch. then i either veg in front of the TV, play on the computer, or go down to the pool and hangout with some friends from the neighborhood. then around 5, i help with dinner and get it in the oven. then i eat dinner, clean up the house, get the younger siblings ready for bed, send them to bed, then hangout with my parents until they kick me upstairs into my room. around this time, its like 8:45 at the earliest and i have recovered my sleepy self.

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